Sunday 29 December 2013

I had no idea ...!!

that Cathe's Low Impact Series: Athletic Training would hurt so good in the legs!! Just did it yesterday for the first time after coming off Christmas week where I hosted, for the first time, an amazing Boxing Day Christmas dinner with my family. This was all done while nursing a not so nice achy-breaky cold no less. So with that I thought I'd start out with something "lighter" and less challenging to ease my way back into Cathe and yoga. It looked so innocuous! Well, Cathe fooled me again. I woke up to a hint of soreness in my legs and thought great it DID do something for me, surprise, surprise! Well, I was in for more of a surprise when I came home from some pre-Miami trip shopping and low and behold my legs were in AGONY, like a full on heavy leg workout!! What was I thinking. Cathe snuck up on me again. Never underestimate this woman! lol!

Athletic Training

Cathe's Athletic Training is part of her Low Impact Series and is a low impact circuit workout done metabolic style. You start out with the step doing a very simple athletic repetitive steps done really fast and leaves you out of breathe pretty soon. It snuck up on me pretty fast, and I had to pause a couple of times due to being out of breathe and my legs aching. It was a bit repetitive as I'm used to very advanced interesting choreography and more jumping. But surprisingly enough it's quite effective! And just what I needed for post-cold workout and for my neighbors sanity. Lol! Then we moved onto weighted leg work using the step at 3 risers. I used 15lb when Cathe used 8lbs, I believe. I wanted to go heavy (in terms of this type of evercise) with my legs. From then on I used heavier than Cathe on all the leg work except the one where we did shoulder lat raises where I did do the 8-10lbs called for. At this point I really didn't think I was working my legs much even though we went up to 3 risers. As I consider this quite light weight work. Who knows I'm still flummoxed as to what worked my legs out this much. Whether it was due to the cold or due to working with weights on the step repeatedly. Whatever it was, it worked! ... I've now come to the conclusion that it's using weights while employing a higher step. As I just saw a guy doing the same thing at the gym. And if a dude is doing it, ya know it's effective!

Then we went on to more weight work. However, by the time we got to the pushups off the step I had had it. This workout is MAJOR anaerobic cardio burn!! I was sweating and huffing like you wouldn't believe. Even though it's metabolic in nature and I find this approach usually does NOT give me an effective strength workout for neither my upper or lower body. Nonetheless, it's incredibly effective in upping your cardio anaerobically. It worked for me!! And I was dying!! I nearly fainted at one point! Lol! I felt myself receding and my surroundings darkening when Cathe was going "Now lets do pushups off the step." Ya right! And I usually have no problems with pushups on the floor or incline with feet on steps. So I knew I was beat and surrendered the white flag! AND I even felt that exercise induced nausea too! Starting exercise at the tail end of a cold is not for wussies!!

... practice, suck it up and don't be a wussie, and all is coming!!

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