Wednesday 18 September 2013

Cloudy with Rainbows ... And Peter Pan

I've been experiencing some cloudy days lately. It happens to everybody, I'm no exception. But when I have those days it's then I remember that those are the days you get to see the rainbows! So I decide to look to the rainbows when I'm going through the clouds. Rainbows mean promises to me. And I love this song called "Look to the Rainbow" reminds me of a promise in the bible in Isaiah I got, oh so long ago, that I'm still "looking-expecting" for and it also starts with "Look ..." So, I'll keep looking to the rainbows until it happens. But I digress ...

Noteworthy Mysore Happenings

Nearly got my head to the floor! Just one more inch and I would've stuck it. All the while with feet not touching. Nice! Got back up but flopped again trying to get legs to bakasana. Went back and did bakasana again but no jump back yet, only because the knees are at an odd resting place on the sides of the arms and not on top. Would love to see the day when with total and superior bhanda pride I can hike those errant knees UP! so I can jump back like the pros do. I think being able to hike my knees high enough is my ticket outta there. ... Don't be misled I can jump back badass style — well kinda badass style — when my knees are up. Just can't hike them up from bhuji yet. Humph!

S. graduated me to garbha pindasana! My first graduation in mysore.

Was satisfying, as my legs are getting straighter. Still must look like dogs breakfast to other finely tuned yogi's but it's mine all mine!

Supta K:
I did it again without adjustments. Cool! Still secretly would've loved it but I did it all by myself with bound fingers and head nicely nestled under crossed feet. Felt quite pleased with myself. Then I lifted up but wasn't able to get both feet back, did the flop again. Sometimes I can and sometimes I can't. It's one of those inconsistencies that what with practice will surely become more certain. May need to schedule in some practice sessions for bhuji and supta on my own when I'm less tired from practice to work on getting more coordination and lift happening. Also less sweaty and slippery! Lol!

The Piece de Resistance: Headstand!
Did it all by myself. Wait! That's not all. I did it in the middle of the room! WooHoo!! I went up with straight legs, did the 90° for about 5 breathes, went back up and then lowered. Truth be told my lowering lost it's classy control about three quarters of the way down and I plunked it. But man, that was nice!

All in all a satisfying practice. My next practice I want to focus on my jump backs from standing to really feel the weight transfer into my hands. Sometimes I feel it and sometimes I forget. So I really want to concentrate there. And also with the jump throughs in seated to lift my butt up a bit more, trying to control the swing through when my hips are higher and tucking my feet more. I don't want to concentrate on too many of the floats or I end up concentrating on none of them. It's my dyslexic multi-tasking disability. lol!

Practice and "looking" and all is coming ...

P.S. Silly things that lift my spirits: Got these cuty-cas booties from Winners for my birthday gift that makes me feel like I got my Peter Pan back. ;)

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