Monday 9 September 2013

Weekend Birthday Bash & Legs at Home

My Birthday Bash!

I've been a bit delinquent in posting as I was gearing up to my birthday celebrations. I had an amazing birthday bash this weekend with all my old family friends I grew up with and my cousins and family. It was a ball and so special and memorable! It was so much fun to reminisce and have a screach about the things I did growing up. What a blast! You'd think I was an old fogey! But I'm NOT! Not until I'm 100! 

My Mom and I made all the cakes for my birthday and the rest was catered at my cousin's house. I made a beautiful pink ombre cherry cake which was tri-colored on the inside too. Gotta go all out for my b'day!! I was smitten! It was awesome both to look at and to eat! It was so moist and cherry delicious just like an old-fashioned 60's cherry cake that your grandma used to make but on roids. Haha! Here's some pics. Too bad you can't lick the pic!

And here's what was left of my cake. Which is mine all MINE!

And this is the Tres Leches cake my Mom made. Divine!

Legs At Home
Got home too late tonight to do my normal leg routine at the gym. Stopped off at Cobs to pick up some double-chocolate scones on my way home for my dinner. Ssshhh! Don't tell anybody! I do this every once in awhile as a cheat day, though it's been 3 cheat days in a row. But it's my birthday so I'm allowed. ;) Then proceeded to get stuck on the subway sitting there for half an hour! Guess that's my just "desserts" punishment for being so naughty! So by the time I got home I was having none of the gym. So an at home one it had to be. Ideally I like to do my legs on Friday nights so I have the weekend free to my whims of fancy (as I hate being tied down to a schedule), whether it's lazing about, hanging with friends/family, partying (not so much these days! snort!) or doing step aerobics (best time as my neighbors are usually out and won't be bothered with the jigglies from my jumping. lol!) or yoga. So I took out my trusted Cathe Gym Styles Legs and gave my legs a nice burn. 

True to form Cathe worked my legs out! Even though it's low weights by my standards compared to the gym that woman can still work them out with high reps, low ends, pulses, slow counts, etc, that will work your leg muscles to the core. We did barbell squats, barbell plie squats (I like to use the barbell for this one even though they use free weights), free weight lunges with low ends and pulses, step ups on the high step (I use a 15 lb weight even though they use a band, I believe the band is just as hard, yowza!). Then after all that there's still the floor work. Holymalony Batman, I haven't even gotten there yet! I have more DOMS from the standing then I get from my heavy weights at the gym. Go figures! I think it's because I'm still not used to it since I haven't done her home weights in a while so it's still shocking my legs. A very good thing. Always good to mix it up and keep your muscles guessing. 

My Hopeful Schedule for This Week

Tomorrow I may try to do an online class with the amazing ashtanga teacher Jodi Blumstein at in particular her most recent class "Working Towards Leg Behind the Head" or more accurately eka pada sirsana (of 2nd series) to open my hips OR my fav DVD The Rocket to get my compressed primary, second and third series propulsion fix (I love this dvd as it has alot of arm balancing to train my bandha's and gain lightness). Wednesday is "set my face as a flint" to mysore. Then Thursday is up in the air and Friday to gym I go for my back, legs, chest, triceps and abs workout.

Practice and all is a-coming ...

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