Wednesday 11 September 2013

Made it to Mysore ... again Or Put Down Your Braces and Pose!

Once again made it Mysore. I don't know why it seems like a feat but it still is. lol! But I digress ...

I had a great practice felt a bit stronger and smoother in my movements and had a better breathe/flow. Nice when the breathe becomes more coordinated with my movements. This has always been a sticking point for me and still is as I'm horrifically multi-task challenged. Breathe and movement, whaaaa??? But man how it feels gooood when I finally get to flow in the zone! One thing I've noticed though is I have an unusually fast breathe count. So I tend to slip in some extra breathes in postures or trick myself by starting my count on the second or third breathe. It's my cheat to go deeper in a posture. And my sneaky tactic in seated -- very useful indeedy -- to buy me extra time to rest, go deeper AND build the extra mojo I need for the lift-up-jump-backs. Whatever works I say! Haha!

Put Down Your Braces and Pose!

I decided to do something new and test my knee health by putting down my knee braces and pose without them! Yeah! Just for most of standing up to utthita hasta padangushthasana. I want to see how my knees fair with jumps and warriors. I then put them on for the rest of the practice. So far so good! Will know more tomorrow as my knees sometimes have a naughty delayed response. Cross fingers!

Postures & Practice

I actually did the half lotus on my right side for ardha baddha padmottanasana. That was amazing as I'm usually only able to do that on my left side. Yeah! I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. lol! Though in seated my right was having none of it! Oh well, just keep on keeping on and one day, surprise! I'm trusting this practice as it never ceases to amaze me how due diligence really works it's magic on my body. And how sweet it is when the opening does inevitably come!

My jump backs were a wee bit stronger same with my jump throughs being more consistent. Made it to the marichy's before I needed to do the old plant hands down and plop back. Even my marichy's seemed more bindable and twistable. I practically got my knee down in mari-B on the first side. Totally cool. Of course the second side there is NO half lotus to speak of. All in good time, all in good time.

Urdhva dhanurasana was abysmal! That is SO inconsistent! One day I can get up, another day I'm a beached whale. Today was the latter. Yowza! Same goes with headstand. Took 3 freakin tries to get up with straight legs AND S. had to help me up on my last go round. Waaaa??? And don't talk about lowering to 90! That was a total bailout. Last time I did it I was able to get up on my own and do 90. What the flip! Ah, the mystery of inconsistency! Who can explain it. 

Practice and surely all is coming??? lol

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