Sunday 6 October 2013

I Feel GoooOoood!

... because I got it all done! Lately, well for a while now really, I've been struggling with motivation. Everything and I mean everything I do I have to mentally push and psych myself. I've often wondered if it's a leftover of chronic fatigue or lack of consistent sleep. And I've forgotten what it feels like to not have to push. But nonetheless, I feel that if I keep on being consistent in that push, that it will get easier and easier just like developing your muscles or finally getting that posture. It's "practice makes perfect." And I try to be a believer. It's not let me down yet! And the other option is not worth thinking about. Though it can feel like a bit of a slog. Haha! Oh, but when I get it done I feel SO good and so accomplished that it's all worth it.

Case in point, I finally mapped out my sunset picture I took while sailing with my friend that I'm going to paint! Yes! Choosing the colour theme, paint colours to use, and my approach. And then checking my supplies. You see, I haven't painted in ages! And I've finally decided to get my butt in gear. I miss it and it gives me great creative outlet. And it's just TIME! The sail and the pics gave me inspiration. Finally. And then I did my Cathe's Cardio & Weights dvd and this, my blog. Now, I know it doesn't seem like alot on a Sunday but to me it's a nice accomplishment instead of just vegging out in front of the TV when friendly plans fell through.

Cathe's Cardio & Weights is so much fun as it's a nice blend of step aerobics that she sneakily ramps up in intensity on every cycle. The first combo is lightweight so you get a false sense of easy, then she does the good ol' bait and switch. Haha! And the next 3 are nice and intense. Ouch! Then in between every step combo she does compound weights which ain't nambypamby believe me. Your muscle groups get worked out! And she manages to do this by pre-exausting the muscle first and then going a little heavier with different counts that really work them out. Her technique's really push my muscles even though I'm using lighter weights than the gym, yet her method is exactly what builds my strength so I see amazing gains when I go heavy back at the gym. Nice!


Last week was a write-off in making it to mysore. But I did get in two ashtanga type practices with my fav dvd's. So last Thursday I did my good old Rocket dvd, which is a mishmash of 1st, 2nd and 3rd series all in one practice. I love it because it's fun and gets me using my bhanda's and doing jumpthroughs with all the arm balancing thrown in and is a nice break from form.

All in all I had a great week and a great start to the new one.

... practice and ALL is a'coming.

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