Monday 28 October 2013

Rubbing My Hands with Glee!

I'm rubbing my hands with glee because I have a whole week of reveling in workouts to my hearts content without feeling the low motivation and exhaustion from fitting it around the reality of real life, like ya know, work. Yippee!! My doc's free ticket to ride was a Godsend! lol! ... Though I'm still blurry as all get out and I have to be super duper careful about not letting any sweat get into my eye's — I can have a ball.

The Viper

And yes, it does sound deadly because it is! This is Cathe's Viper from her Terminator dvd which I decided to do today. However, I made my own version of it and replaced the Muscle Endurance weights segments with Muscle Max's weight segments which are more heavy weight focused then ME's high rep focus. I used my good ol' dvd recorder to do this. The Viper is a 'deadly' circuit workout mixing one Cardio & Weights step combo with one Imax 2 step interval with a Muscle Max upper body weight section and then you cycle through three more of these. I felt the burn in my lungs and my muscles. And of course, once again, had to pace myself a number of times as I'm still working up to these one's. What with plie jacks, air jacks, power 7's mixed up in the intervals with no let up, she just kills ya in a good way! She really doesn't mess with words when she calls it "The Viper." lol!

Here's a sample of The Gauntlet from the said dvd:



My Schedule

This is my hopeful rough schedule for this week. I just got an awesome new 12 disc yoga series called The Ultimate Yogi by Travis Eliot which I'm chomping at the bit to get started on. I don't plan to do it as the full 108 day rotation as it's designed for (WAY too much to commit to AND as I have other goals in mind). I just plan to fit a disc in here and there into my ashtanga and fitness schedule. So here's my tentative schedule for this week subject to change on a whim and a dime:

• Ultimate Yogi Strength (disc 3) + the floor work from Eoin Finn's Power Yoga for Happiness (as it includes the pickup jumpbacks and jumpthru's that I need to keep working on, plus some nice juicy arm balances. teehee!)
• Goal: to build shoulder girdle strength for pickup jumpbacks

• Cathe's 4 Day Split High Intensity Step + Shoulders and Back or Biceps

Ultimate Yogi Cardio (disc 2) + the floor work from Kino Macgregor's Primary series dvd
• Goal: to build coordination and shoulder strength back up for pickup jumpbacks

• Legs, back, chest, triceps

• Cathe's new X10 dvd the step & weights portion

• may not want to harrass myself by going to Mysore the day before going back to work. Great excuse right. lol! 

... practice and all is coming. 

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