Saturday 26 October 2013

Waaa!! Lost my Mojo!

Waaaa! I can't believe I lost my mojo! Well to be clear I actually lost my pick up jump back strength. Before, with regular Mysore practice (my regular is once a week, said sheepishly), I was  able to lift myself up and swing my feet through my my arms and hold it there in a bent armed lolasana for like five seconds with feet off the ground and all! I was practicing this at home as supplementary practice to gain strength for full jump back. And I was astounded as to the strength gains I made with just doing my Mysore class once a week, no skipping jumpbacks between sides (huge impact) and another shorter Ashtanga practice weekly, gave me huge inroads on my strength in this area. I could actually hold bent armed lolasana with feet fully off the ground which to me was amazing! Before this was unthinkable. I felt strong like bull!! Haha!! But I had a sneaky suspicion that this strength gain could very well be elusive if I don't keep up my consistent practice and do these exercises regularly. Well wouldn't you know life got in the way!! Waa!! As noted before one of my weaknesses is having terrible stamina, in life as well as in practice. Well as it turned out for the past month, extra time at work what with looming deadlines just before leaving on a one week vacation for laser eye correction surgery (in both eyes no less, so excuse me for any typos, etc as I'm majorly squinting through a thick fog right now) really made a dent in my practice. I'm just not good at juggling. Now four weeks later I thought let me practice my jumpback, great idea right?! Ha! Low and behold I can barely hold my feet off the ground! It's atrocious!! Grrrr! 

Oh well, all is not lost. I have a full week off from work. No deadlines, no overtime. Yeah! Since I just got both my eye's lasered and tasered yesterday (the taser is the corneal cross linking I also got on my right eye to stabilize my wonky cornea) and I'm in a huge disorienting foggy cloud with extreme light sensitivity which feels like my eyeballs are burning off. Despite that it went really well beyond the twitching legs, nausea inducing PAIN with a capital P!! AND they forgot to pack my Demeral, Valium and sleeping pills. I resorted to downing good ol faithful Aspirin to take the edge off. Though, mind you, I haven't taken anything like Demeral and Valium in over 15 years, neither for eye surgery or post surgery (I've had two previous eye lasers done but only one eye at a time — makes a world of difference!— two eye's being the worst in pain, OUCH!). However it would"ve been nice to know it was there purely for psychological reasons! Haha! The great news was my doc gave me the go ahead to workout since what I got was PRK not the LASIK flap version (not safe to workout for a week with the flap version), so I'm good to go!! Yippee!! My eye's are still sore and focusing for long is a strain and disorienting. But hopefully by tomorrow I'll do a small practice and by Monday I can get my butt in full gear with a whole week of freedom ahead of me to get my mojo back! Lol!

... so CONSISTENTLY practice AND keep getting back on the horse if life gets in the way and all is coming. 

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