Tuesday 21 January 2014

I Love Yoga!!

Really, I love yoga!! It makes me feel so strong, limber, agile and youthful! I feel like I can do anything when I do yoga. And it feels like ballet, gymnastics and martial arts all rolled into one. Yet so different from them too. It's calming, invigorating and breathtaking all at the same time. I love yoga!!

Highlights and Lowlights

I just finished doing Peak to Supta K from YogaGlo.com. I love this practice as it's short-n-sweet, get in get out, gets the basic postures in and the ones I want to work on. So a nice balance.

My highlights were I practically got back my jump throughs. Yeah! As they sucked on Sunday. And it makes me feel like I'm getting somewhere and that it's finally getting there. When I say "there" it in no way implies I've arrived. As it looks in no way like Kino's which she just posted on Facebook today ~ as a reminder of how far I have to go! ~ with a very satisfied smile at the end like she's saying, "See, easypeasy!" Yah right! Put it this way, she floats in handstand first. Get it?! ... My Marichy twists were nice and fluid. I can feel my twist opening more. My shoulders still need some work in this posture as they don't have much range of motion in their sockets so my shoulders kinda like to salute my ears a tad. One day. And I was surprised to find I went down nicely on my butt in Kurmasana and then crossed my feet over in Supta Kurmasana. Yes! BUT lost the finger clasp in doing so. Soon, very soon! And I opened my back a bit with Ushtrasana (camel pose). I find this very useful in prepping my back for Urdhva dhanurasana (wheel pose). AND I did two, yes two Urdhva's with relative ease. Which is mind blowing for me as my back is as stiff as a board ~ my old posts on this one on Aug 12/13 "Backbending OR The Ramp ... My Mount Olympus" will tell you exactly why it's mind blowing. So that felt very good.

My lowlights were not being open in my splits the way I'm used to. I'm going to say I was too cold. Lol! Missing the clasp in Supta. But all in all a very satisfying practice.

... L❤️ve your yoga and all is coming.


  1. Try some hot yoga to escape the cold and really allow your body to open.

  2. Awesome, Brenda, great antidote for this crazy sub-zero weather. And the perfect time to use up my neglected Moksha hot yoga classes! Thanks for reminding me. lol!

  3. and little by little, it really is ~ Kev
