Sunday 11 August 2013

DOMsie DOMsie Day! ... And Cathe!

Well, well, well I am SORE! All over! I'm having a DOMsie day! To all in the dark as to what DOMs is, just in case per chance somebody in the wild blue yonder might be reading this, means delayed onset muscle soreness. Ouch! for short. My upper body is so sore, upper back, underarms, chest, triceps. Muscles I didn't now I had are sore and my legs are just starting to get sore. This all from yesterday's gym weights workout. Now, who told me to do 4 sets per exercise with full weights after being off for nearly 2 months to rest my wrists. I must've had my mind on autopilot. So I'm suffering today. I fear that the soreness in my legs is just the start of a beautiful mess of pain for the next days ahead. Oh well, I'm determined that I WILL get to my Mysore on Tues no matter whether my legs collapse or not! I will set my face as a flint. HaHa! But I digress ...

I had an awesome step aerobic workout today with one of my fav dvd instructors Cathe Friedrich (another fav is Amy Bento but her choreo is way dancey harder but just as athletic and her music is ROCKIN just like Cathe's but in a more hiphop rap way. Freakin amazing!). Plus I try to tack on a light yoga session afterwards as a cool down and stretch. Great combo. I did Cathe's 4 Day Split High Intensity Step which includes intensity blasts (like HIIT-high intensity interval training) at the end of the 3 combos. Man that's one great intensity workout in only 30 min. But I did have to stop once to catch my breathe as I've just started back from a 5 months hiatus for my knees. Her and Amy's cardio dvd's are great to build my aerobic capacity and VO2 max FAST and just plain fun! I love dancey choreography (that's from my ballet background) along with more athletic plyometric blasts and she gets it all in there in just 30 minutes! I skip  her weight work at the end as I do my own at the gym. Not to say she won't work you out HARD. If you want to gain muscle FAST do Cathe's weight dvd's or her circuit dvd's. She will work you heavy or highrep or a combo of both like no other. With her dvd's you really don't have to go to the gym if you have a well stocked weights home gym like me (in the livingroom under my desk. lol!). She's really something to look into (you can see her on her own website, and can buy her on,,,, etc. Can you tell I just love her!) Then I did Namaste Yoga's Season 1, Episode 11 dvd (they used to be on TV. They were so good I bought both their seasons, perfect for an after cardio stretch). Just the ticket to wind down with. It included forward fold, low lunge, front lunge stretch to parsvatonnasana to standing splits. All in a slow almost dancelike flow. Absolutely divine! And perfect for my legs to get the stretch without going into any warriors or torquey knee stretches to tax my knees after jumpy cardio. I can't overtax my knees. If I do cardio I will not do any other workouts tacked on that could challenge my knees again. So I will never mix up a leg workout with cardio or a leg workout with yoga, etc. unless if I do add a yoga it must NOT have any warriors or torquey knee thingy's in it. I have always relied on my hard earned motto of KISS (keep it simple stupid). And it's kept me moving so far. Shewf!

Can't wait to attend my first ever yoga workshop next weekend. It's called "Finding Your Lift." Exciting stuff! By my understanding I think it will be teaching you how to get lift for the ashtanga vinyasa transitions like jumping to standing, jumping through and back, etc. Those beautiful gymnasticy vinyasa's that help create a smoother and more floaty practice. I would love to see that day as I bet it's so much easier and smoother than the drag thru shuffle back! And the jump thru with matburn toes! lol! And I'm still learning to get over my fear of lifting my butt (or sitbones) when jumping. For some reason I keep feeling like if I lift my butt I'll just fly butt over head. Haha! I just can't get rid of that feeling! Argh! But as the saying goes ... practice and all is coming.

etc. etc. ...

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