Wednesday 14 August 2013

Making it To Mysore

I'm going to set my face like a flint! I want to make it to Mysore! I had a terrible sleep last night - a bout of insomnia - and clocked a measly 4 hrs. And then tonight I made up for it by having a wonderful night out with a friend I hadn't seen in a while. Suffice to say we had a lot of fun catching up! With that I'm exhausted! But I digress ...

I'm trying to challenge myself to keep to my schedule. Yes it's a humble one at that but its still mine. Kinda like the Bikram 30 day challenge except it's my own little personal keep to my schedule challenge. Just to see if I can. Also because I find the more consistent I am to my workout plans especially with ashtanga the incrementally easier it gets for me in the practice. I get stronger, more flowy suri's, greater stamina throughout the practice and smoother more controlled pickup/jumpthrough vinyasas. Not to say I don't have a WAYS to go in them but they just seem less arduous and clumsy. Lol! And I just get more open and that feels SO good! And thus becomes more a meditation in motion than a workout. Wish me luck!

etc. etc. ...

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