Saturday 31 August 2013

Made it to Mysore

Finally I made it to mysore! Every time I make it to mysore I feel like I climbed Mount Everest. Don't know why but I feel like I accomplished a feat. Hopefully it will get easier for me and a little less daunting the more I find my schedule groove and practice groove. Have I told you my nemesis is stamina and endurance. And ashtanga works that to my very core that weights and cardio do not. But I digress ...

Here's my proud notables:

• Felt smoother in my practice and I wee more stamina. Just a wee. Woohoo! I can now see how this could get stronger and less arduous AND more shall I say meditative for me.
• Totally missed out parshvakonasana and the twist! And that's such a fundamental posture in standing! Thought I was doing so well in my flow and only realized when I went to bed that I skipped it. Haha!
• Bhuja pidasana was nothing to write home about. Was able to wrap my legs and tilt a bit but nowhere near the ground yet. Still worried about my wrists. Then exit was a total disaster. Totally flubbed getting my legs into bakasana and then it was just a droop down from there.
• However, I redeemed myself in supta konasana which I did all by myself! It was rather kinda awesome even though I was so looking forward to S.'s assist because she likes and I LOVE when she folds my feet behind my head. I just LOVE it! I'm thinking freak is she really doing that and is my legs really letting her??? I always feel like WOW I have arrived! I NEVER in my wildest dreams thought I could do that. And also it's such a stereotypical yogic tied-up-in-knots-sorta-contortion-pose that I always felt unattainable to the lay innocent that it thrills me to no end that I'm halfway there! lol! But anyway she didn't do that famous assist and just let me do my thang. And I did! I was able to not only finger bind but wiggle my feet side-by-side and as I eye-balled it I felt that I could just somehow wiggle my right foot on top of my left and wouldn't ya know it with her verbal encouragement I caught that last wind to do just that and totally bound my feet! It was pretty satisfying I must say! And my exit was way better, was able to get both legs into bakasana and do an almost jump back into chatarunga. Not bad.
• Urdhva  dhanurasana was an eye opening experience. I totally flubbed the first try. Couldn't get up for the life of me and thought I was a goner for the next 2. And was hoping I could just slip by it. No chance! But for some inexplicable, what I can only say miraculous reason, I was able to push up with unusual super human strength the next two making very reasonable for me wheels. I was flabberghasted! Totally amazed where all this strength came from out of nowhere!
• By headstand I'm usually at my worst energy wise. But I once again surprised myself. Number one I was able to go up with floating straight legs. Yeah! I was too wankered the last time to do that. Number two, even though my teacher spotted she didn't have to touch me at all, I was able to balance on my own. But then I bailed when trying to do the 90º hold. So what does an amazing teacher do when she's trying to build your stamina. Get right back on that damn horse and do it again! And so I did with her wise encouragement to lower not to 90º but to as low as I can hold it for to build my strength and endurance.

This is why I LOVE mysore and keep on coming back to my personal Mount Everest!! So I can make my mountain a molehill!!

... practice and all is coming.

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