Tuesday 27 August 2013

My Youth Infusing Anti-Aging Super Foods Green Smoothie Breakfast

Very refreshing and surprisingly filling in the morning. And it makes me feel like I'm starting my day out on the right foot and getting in a good quota of my veggies, fruits, anti-oxidants, vitamins, omega-3's and super foods. What a great way to start my day! 

Along with my veggies and berries — I only use berries to stay low glycemic since I have a severe sugar sensitivity, can't even use stevia(!), though in the pic above I cheated with a sliver of orange as I was wrestling with a cold trying to get it's grubby hands on me — here's a sampling of some of the superfoods I like to put in my green smoothie:

I like to add some chard grown straight from my organic windowbox garden on my balcony. How neat is that!

And here's the final product pulverized in my amazing NutriBullet. It got darker because I used some blueberries and dark berry powders. Depending on the fruit (i.e., light fruit) and greens (i.e., baby spinach) you can get a really beautiful bright green drink:

Don't let the looks fool you, it tastes absolutely divine and SO nutritious! Because the cell walls of the veggies and fruits are pulverized in the high powered blender it's literally like your giving yourself an intravenous shot of nutrition. Your body absorbs and assimilates it way better than chewing! Yet you still get the beneficial fiber which slows a bit of the rate of absorption so your not getting such a glycemic load on your system.

I used to think it was all a bit of hype the better absorption with blending than with chewing. But I found out quickly that though I can eat baby spinach salads, yet for the longest while (about 3 years) I couldn't drink blended baby spinach or chard even. The magnesium in them was WAY too bioavailable this way and I was getting way too vivid and trippy dreams from the magnesium overload. I'm very sensitive to magnesium can ya tell! Lol! Now that I've finally built up a tolerance I can blend them to my hearts content.

My Green Smoothie Recipe

Here's my base smoothie recipe. Note that I choose organic whenever possible. Since I'm ingesting this everyday, I need to be as organic as I can make it otherwise you're just defeating the purpose ingesting so much pesticides day in and day out. For liquids I usually use milk or unsweetened vanilla almond milk:


• Greens to rotate: kale – great for iron, chard, baby spinach, collards, romaine, arugula, watercress, go wild)
• Baby carrots
• Cucumber: sometimes, very refreshing, apparently great for hair
• A sliver of avocado: gives a lovely creaminess to the smoothy!


• Frozen organic berries: just a little for a touch of sweetness and flavour, it's low glycemic and sometimes safe for me to have, organic whenever possible
• Orange: 1/8th slice, if I have a cold
• Mango: when cheating, gives great flavour and a lovely creamy texture


• Goji berries
• Maca powder
• Spirulina powder: I like Pure Hawaiian Spirulina by Nutrex, the freshest taste ever! High in protein and iron, fantastic blood builder, etc. I'll alternate this with barleygrass or wheatgrass.
• Sprouted ground flax with cranberries: for omega-3's, sometimes I just grind my own
• Vitamin C: Sodium Ascorbate powder: to absorb the iron in my kale, as I have low iron stores
• Whey Protein Powder: Great muscle, collagen, hair, skin and nails builder! My nails have never been so diamond hard and grow so fast in my life. And my muscles, holy cow, respond super-fast to weight work with it and maintain their shape longer. Amazing! I try to buy only cold-processed so it doesn't denature the proteins. And also I try to look for whey that's high in glutamine for gut repair and high in BCAA's for great muscle recovery. For strict vegetarians there's a great variety of non-animal based one's to choose from.

And there you have it my breakfast of champions!

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